Saturday, April 2, 2011

Birds of Baja~ Bahia Magdelana into the Gulf of California.

This picture was taken in Bahia Magdelana on one the sandbars.  The white pelican also frequents this sandy spot.

Brown Pelican

Huge and dark in coloring.  Water birds with long flat bills and great throat pouches.  They have a long neck, to better scoop the fish with!  They feed mainly on fish and crustaceans.

This Turkey Vulture sits high above on a Cardon Cactus on Isla Carmen in Baja

Turkey Vultures

Vultures are blackish eagle-like scavengers, often seen soaring high on thermals.  They are often called “buzzards” The turkey vulture has 2-toned wings, a small red head, and long tail.

A wonderful Bird is the Pelican

Whose beak can hold more than his belly can

In his beak, he can hold enough food for a week

And I just don`t know how the heck he can!

Long tailed tropic bird

Tropicbirds are related to pelicans but most closely resemble terns.  They have a greatly elongated central tail feathers, and a slightly decurved bill.  They feed on squids and small crustaceans and they only live in tropical seas.  The white-tailed tropicbird has a yellow or orange bill.

Blue-Footed Booby

The Blue footed Booby is white with black flight feathers and BLUE feet.  The boobies are gull-like with large pointed bills and pointed tails.  The boobies dive from the air, headfirst and feed on fish and squids.  Boobies inhabit mostly tropic climates.  Gannets, their cousins, inhabit cooler waters, for example in DE!